Weekly Themes
WEEK 1: DecadesWeek
6/26- 6/29
Thursday Late Night: 6/28
This week, campers performed in "decade performances!" On the late night, multiple counselor groups performed in a lip sync battle.
Record numbers for Week #1 this year! (Over 142 campers!)

WEEK 2: Hollywood Week
7/2- 7/6 (No Camp 7/4)
Thursday Late Night: 7/5
This week, campers participated in the filming of the Camp Phoenix movie, The Lost Idol of Bennu!
At the Thursday night out we rolled out the red carpet for the premiere of the rough cut directed by our own Jimmy Charest!

WEEK 3: Olympic
7/9- 7/13
Thursday Late Night: 7/12
Olympic week started out with the largest draft in Camp Phoenix history with 5 countries being represented! After a long week of competitions and the annual track meet, China came out on top winning the 2018 Camp Phoenix Summer Olympics! Great job to all athletes!

WEEK 4: Water Week
7/16 - 7/20
Thursday Late Night: 7/19
It was a hot one! On Wednesday, the North Smithfield fire department came to soak us all in our water battle! On Thursday we have the famous water carnival followed by our annual breezy acres trip! A few pirates found themselves shipwrecked at our camp but luckily we were able to help them find their treasure and get home after our Thursday night out.
(184 campers this week! New camp Record!)

WEEK 5: Winter Wonderland Week
Thursday Late Night: 7/26
It certainly wasn't cold this week, but our days were pretty chill! We had visits from the spirits of summer and the spirits of winter. The spirits of winter tried to steal the source of summer but luckily were unsuccessful in their attempt! 6 more months until winter!

WEEK 6: Carnival Week
7/30 - 8/3
Thursday Late Night: 8/2

The heat didn't stop Carnival Week from bringing a ton of surprises! A carnival came to us this year and Noodle Mania 4 was something that no camper could forget! Three matches, corporate coming to join in on the fun and GLO proved that they are still top of the camp!
WEEK 7: Halloween Week
8/6 - 8/10
Thursday Night Out: 8/9
The four horsemen of the apocalypse arrived this week to destroy the camp and take our counselors. (Don't worry...They were defeated in the end!) There was an awesome haunted trail organized by Jimmy, Robin, and the Mohegans with amazing costumes! We also had a costume contest and tribe trick-or-treating.

WEEK 8: MysteryWeek
8/13 - 8/17
Thursday Late Night: 8/16